Thanks for your reply, I have never thought you have ever talked down to anyone in any of your replies. My intention wasn't to sound heavy-handed in my question. We have had prayer meetings in the past at our church and it was as you said, at times it was only my family plus one and then it was only my family.Have corporate prayer meetings became a thing of the past?We have a prayer room or a room that is available for people to use to pray in. It is open daily from 7am to approximately 3 pm and before service on Sunday mornings. It is only used on Sunday mornings when the worship team gathers to pray before service. I think this is more of the norm in most churches, than coming to church for a corporate time of prayer for the whole church.The reason we have a prayer room is people have approached me and said they wanted to prayer before service, but they didn't feel comfortable praying at the altar before service. So, I cleaned out a room that wasn't being used, sat chairs around the walls, have music playing softly and have a light air freshener to set the atmosphere for praying and it still stays empty.