I am so sick of people being negative about the Church of God. Recently our state experienced a huge disaster with numerous buildings being partially or totally destroyed. The General Overseer (Tim Hill) made a plea for the CoG family across America to respond with love offerings to help restore or rebuild the affected churches. Overall I suppose about a million dollars or more was sent from the CoG family around the country to completely restore every church to a better status than it had prior to the disaster - even if it meant razing an ancient building and providing a brand new metal church building to worship in (furnished). That's just one of thousands of stories that could be told about what do you get for being in the Church of God? But even beyond that (which should answer your question and shut you up) there is so much offered in regard to love, encouragement, education, participation with others to build the Kingdom of God through a great World Missions program, a family, resources for church growth, Christian education, ministerial training - development - encouragement - care......... the list goes on and on. If you have been with us for any length of time and your question is what do you get? then the simple answer is much more than you are aware of since you obviously haven't even taken the time to view the CoG website to see what all is available to help you and what opportunities are there for you to give to others and get involved in Kingdom ministry- and if you are dealing in dollars only then your financial contribution doesn't even begin to compare to the value of all that has been done, is being done and potentially could be done for you because you are in a church family/fellowship and not floating out on your own.