Actually, evangelicals made up 26% of those voting in both the 2012 and 2016 elections. They did break more for Trump (81%) than for Romney (78%), but I don't think that is such a significant amount to say they would have a problem with Romney as Secretary of State. Of course there might be some notable examples of evangelicals such as Huckabee who would have a problem, but that might be because he's sore he didn't get picked.Romney is a decent man. And remember when he debated Obama, Romney knew enough about the state of the world that he could name Russia as a geopolitical adversary, which Obama seemed clueless about. Romney would do a good job as Secretary of State.But all of that doesn't matter to people who loved Trump's lack of political correctness, but can't stand such frankness from Romney. So to them I guess I would say if Trump thinks Romney would be a good Secretary of State, wouldn't you accept Trump's good judgment? Of course, if Romney does get picked, and evangelicals feel slapped in the face, maybe we can get OTCP to expand his offering of Play Doh, Cocoa, and Coloring Books to help them get over it. Or maybe Aaron can lead us all in some interpretive dancing and bird calls.