The followin accounts is absolutely true, OTCP knows personally all the parties involved:1. Its been about several years ago now. In a certain state office, the ED had some college, but no master's degree. He was awarded a honery doctorate. The next week, all state office personnel received an in house memo instructing em to reference this feller as Dr. Jimbob Doe.2. This too happened a few years ago. In a certain office in Cleveland, a feller had a legitimate BA and MA. He sent $495 to a known degree mill and was awarded a PhD. A small reception was given, honoring him for completing a PhD. He is referred to this day by many as Dr. Jimbob Doe.In the words of Paul, My brethren, these things ought not be. Jude said these fellers crept in unaware, meanin they snuck these fake docterates in while others were unaware of it.