A true psalmist is one who sings under the anointing of the Holy Spirit that God gives a song or psalm on the spot while he/she is ministering. I can see where that could be prophetic. I know you didn't care for him, but I've read Kim Clement had this type of ministry. I never watched him much but there are a lot of videos of his ministry available online.Elisha once asked the king to bring him a minstrel. As the minstrel worshiped, the Spirit of the Lord was stirred up in Elisha, and he began to speak the Word of the Lord. So we see from this that anointed music can stir up the gifts of God in those who are anointed for other gifts as well.Although I will say...if someone has to advertise they are one...it kinda makes you wonder.Oh wait...you weren't looking for a serious answer, were you? More of Him...less of me.twitter.com/camiracle77www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=691241499&ref=name