Farrell Kyser could preach good. But that wasn't where it happened for him, I don't think. I have seen him do a scattershot sermon for 45 minutes that would make you wonder how things were going to turn out...but the THE VERY MINUTE that he began the altar call, wow! It was almost as if he hadn't even gotten started until that moment. Suddenly, the Spirit of God would flood in and everyone in attendance seemed to be gripped by reverence. Then, when he began to pray for folks, they were deeply touched time after time after time.He will be missed. He was mainly a Florida preacher, but was known as the Alabama Wild Man (although he was not particularly wilder than other Church of God preachers). I think it was his boldness--the belief that God would absolutely show up at the church service--that made a key difference.About that revival.... We had felt to call him, but for some reason (I don't recall what it was), he had not been available. So, we just figured that was that. Then, maybe a day or week later, he called me and said, Hey, I'm SUPPOSED to be there! He could likely have went to much larger churches, but he specifically felt he was to come there. I smile as I write that I believe he was almost desperate to come--he just knew that was where he was supposed to be.And, man, was it GOOD! This was 2001. I believe he prepared the way for a revival that swept our church a few months later (right during 9/11). Our hearts had been touched, our souls made hungry, by his ministry. And then, a couple or so months later, it came a cloudburst the likes of which I had not seen before or since. I believe Bro. Kyser played a huge role in making that happen.