Has Moses interceded in tongues yet? In Exodus 32:32, the KJV reads Yet now, if thou wilt forgive their sin--; and if not, blot me, I pray thee, out of thy book which thou hast written.Perry said the dash after the word sin is because in the original manuscripts, when the translators came to this passage, just after the word sin there were pages of language that could not be translated. Perry said that at this point Moses began to intercede for Israel in tongues. Because the translators could not translate the pages of tongues (even though it was a scroll, not a page), Perry said that a Jewish Rabbi in Israel told him they put a dash in the English Bible.Now, since I heard Perry say this years ago, I have consulted scores of commentaries, linguistic volumes, etc., an I've never found one reference to such a story, which kinda makes the ole timer wonder bout this one too.