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Wife may lose job at school because of transgender student

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Post subject: olosos: Wife may lose job at school because of transgender student
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Please be praying.....My wife is an assistant teacher in a special Ed class that has students from 6th -8th grade. Before the year started her and the teacher (both new to this school) were informed that there would be a 8th grader transgender student in the class. It is a female who identifies herself as a Boy.They were told that she needed to be referred to as a He... Go tell Him... go get His books...etc.The teacher quit at the end of the first week because of this student and another being hard to deal with. So for the next week and half my wife taught the class even though she doesn't have a degree....without a teacher there.The other student got better but this child didn't. Last Monday she had to talk to this student in the hallway because she was disturbing the class...the student told my wife that she was getting on to her because of the way she wife responded with...I don't agree with your lifestyle but that has nothing to do with thisThat was Monday....on weds she was called in the office...the principal of course that she shouldn't have made the comment about not agreeing with the lifestyle...while talking the principle referred to the student as a HE...when my wife referred to her it was as a she...the principal told her that she was to refer to the student only as a HEMy wife responded that she didn't think she should be made to go against her belief that it was wrong...long story short is she was told there may be consequences to her refusing and meeting my wife was driving home the principal called and told her she was being put on paid administrative leave for the rest of the week....with no school last Monday she went in on Tuesday only to be told by principal that she ment not to come back until she was called.She was called today, after 8 days off, to come to a meeting with the personnel director. He informed her that it was in her best interest to resign by Friday...he said the District Supperintendent would be the one to make final call but she would most likely be terminated for failure to follow a directive from the principal....The only thing she refused to do was call the girl a boy.He told her if she didn't resign that this would be in her file and follow her where ever she tried to get a job....if she let them fire herMy thinking is....this is already in her file....they will never give her a good recommendation no matter what she does..and we will lose our health insurance either way.Quitting will only keep her from getting unemployment..make her lose her sick days... And keep the school district from dealing with it...I'm at a loss at which way to go...My wife has a right to believe what she does and not go against her convictions by calling her a him...But it really worth fighting for...

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Post subject: Link:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Wow, what are the odds that your wife would get in trouble over a transgendered issue, or that anyone on this relatively small forum would experience that. This whole LGBT mess is more widespread and can effect more people than we might have thought. I think she should stick to her guns and say she isn't going to lie and contribute to the emotional confusion of a minor by calling her 'he', because it's just plain wrong and unethical. If they fire her it will follow her around? That sounds like a silly idle threat. It's like telling kids if they do something wrong in school, it goes on their 'permanent record.' If it's not a legal record, it's usually not THAT big of a deal. You are right. They probably won't give her a good letter of reference. If she's fired, or not, she could probably ask a co-worker for a letter of reference.You could try getting a lawyer from some free organization, the ACLJ, or something cheap like the MLM Pre-paid legal, just to send a letter from a lawyer reiterating her position and making some almost veiled threat of a lawsuit if they fire her.I saw this movie once where a company hired a guy and put him in an unfinished office-- with concrete and no walls-- at a desk upstairs and forgot about him. He didn't have any work, but got paid. Maybe your wife could end up in the same situation. They could keep her on 'administrative leave' for a while, while she collects a paycheck so they don't get sued. I don't see any advantages to her resigning over this as far as unemployment goes. She's not at a level where it would help her career. There is no shame in what she is doing, since it is in the best interest of the child and she's standing against some weird leftist agenda that supports this poor kid in her delusion. In fact, there may be Christians who go out of their way to hire her for taking a stand.If losing her job is tough on you financially, you could get a few blog posts about you and set an account at a non-leftist version of 'GoFundMe', or maybe a friend could do it, to help you with the problems caused by her losing her job. She could end up with tens of Someone may read the article and offer her a job, too

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Post subject: diakoneo:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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That was my thought exactly.

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Post subject: bonnie knox:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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They lose nothing if she resigns. If they try to fire her, that could cause issues for them, so I'm sure they would love for her to resign and save them the trouble that firing her could bring (if they even legally can fire her).

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Post subject: Quiet Wyatt:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Sorry to hear that. We are only seeing the beginning of the thuggery of the Gaystapo.

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Post subject: olosos:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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You see things like this on the news....and you see the way the world is headed....

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Post subject: Cojak:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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They lose nothing if she resigns. If they try to fire her, that could cause issues for them, so I'm sure they would love for her to resign and save them the trouble that firing her could bring (if they even legally can fire her). On whether or not to call the student he, my impulse is not to call a biological female he, but I know this is really a big issue nowadays, and I wouldn't know how to advise. I will pray for wisdom for you and your wife. I see a point here that would seem to give trouble legally. As I see it one could be easily mixed up to call a girl that looks like a girl HE!.But I like Bonnie's thoughts here. Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]://

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Post subject: Cojak:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Talk about the tail wagging the dog! WOW! The student is in the drivers seat. Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]://

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Post subject: Resident Skeptic:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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How you refer to the student in question concerning their gender in a private conversation with an administrator should have no bearing on your job. This is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. A firm rebuke from the citizenry and a public outing of said administrator is in order. Slap them upside the head with the reality that the majority of the people are tired of this sort of cultural Marxism

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Post subject: Aaron Scott: Never give in.
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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I have watched person after person in the media issue a profound apology about some insensitivity...only to be fired anyway.I have found that some of these types of students can be more than a handful. Your wife could perhaps hit back that this one girl has now caused the school to lose TWO teachers, if she is allowed to keep it up. The girl is already a handful...and she will play the card every single time she is called for her behavior.Also, let the school know that her principal's instructions do not trump her First Amendment rights. And that, further, nothing amiss was said. It is TRUE that this is a female. I may want to be called Your Majesty and Most High and Holy Potentate...but that doesn't mean anyone has to do it.No one did any damage to this girl. Rather, a too-politically-correct administration fell all over itself trying to play games with medical truth.

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