Miss Bonnie is givin revelatory words in almost ever post she's made today. I been havin this sharp pain what starts in ma left little toe, works its way around my right ankle, then shoots over to ma left knee. I aint got $1000 to send Robert Tilton.When I called Kenneth Copeland fer prayer, he was outta the office showin Creflo his new jet. All Joel Osteen done was smile at me. Parsley told me to call Jakes. Swaggart tried to sell me a Expositors Study Bible.Hagee told me as soon as the 4th Blood Moon aligned with Aquarius to dip 7 times in the Jordan River.Jonathan Cahn is outta the office till October 15.Larry Huch told me to blow the shofar 7 times.Perry Stone said he'd git back with me as soon as he called his anonymous source in the Knesset.I even called Brad Freeman, an he said it was all in my flesh, not to worry about, my spirit was A-OK.