She was absolutely correct. Immigration has been a major subject of debate during the last three election cycles. Rubio, Bush, Perry, and Cruz were talking about it heavily before Trump ever announced. Somebody is drinking Trump koolaide! Agreed. NBF you're way off here, that's what Trump said but it has been a big topic for a long time, especially for Cruz. Wrong guys.We are talking about previous elections...and talking about the MAIN emphasis Trump has made it.Perhaps immigration has come up years ago - but only in the context of How fast can we grant de facto amnesty to 30 million illegals. Oh, and we will build a wall to keep out anyone else. <wink wink> If anyone r4eally wanted to stop illegal immigration - they have always been derided as not understanding the world correctly. You guys think McCain or Romney or Obama truly discussed stopping illegal immigration - not hardly. And it sure has not a centerpiece of any discussion since Pat Buchanan...who was just as marginal as Cruz has been.Trump truly wants to control our immigration...otherwise we really don't have a country