Last night, my son and I were coming home after an out-of-town visit. As I was driving along, we heard a loud whack against the car. I couldn't really imagine what it could have been unless someone had thrown a rock at my car. (No deer spotted, too dark for birds/too loud to have been a bird, not a missing piece off the car because the car was running fine and the sound seemed to have been outside, not in the tire well, and yes, Bonnie, it is a very good idea to resist any impulse to go confront someone in the dark who is throwing rocks at cars.) When we got home about 10 minutes later, we inspected the side of the car hoping if there were a new ding amongst all the hail damage from last April's hailstorm, it would have a distinctive look. There on my driver-side door was a light blue splatter. My son said it looked like a paintball splatter. I reported it to the sheriff's department. I did consider what might have happened if the shot had been a little higher up--our windows were partially opened. A deputy promised to come out after answering another call. I gave my street name and house number and said, I'll be here, and I'll leave the porch light on. Even with that said, the deputy got mixed up and went to the neighbor's house first. The houses on one side of our street have sequential even numbers; the houses on the other side have sequential odd numbers. Most mailboxes have numbers. I don't think any of the neighbors had a porch light on. Needless to say, I don't have too much confidence in the investigative skills of the deputy. On the other hand, maybe it will just take a little persistence. After all, the deputy did ultimately get to the right house. I was just telling the deputy that I was certain I was a random victim because no one could have known I was going to be on that road at that time, when a second call came in over the radio. Someone else had reported the same kind of incident in the same area.