Is all this hype, nasty name calling (even worse than last time), and GOP division destroying the basic GOP?Could TRump, can Trump unite enough people to win a national election?Most people agree that Fox is the only 'conservative' voice out there in the Media, Why pick a fight with them? He thinks FOX has been unfair? Wow, he really doesn't read or watch much past his own PR.Everyone Loves Reagan it seems, but he got where he was by his 11th commandment I hear. Don't bad mouth your own party members.When TRump and the rest should be specific on what the DEMS have done wrong and telling SOME SPECIFICS AND COSTS of what they want to do or can do to FIX it. How does climbing Rubio, Scott, Bush or Trump's case build faith in a REAL change in Government.I am becoming sick of this campaign and it really has just started. Every election the GOP (fools) give so much ammo to the opposition they don't even have to work hard to win.Maybe there is hope in the Libertarian party.???? Some facts but mostly just my
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