Ever single time I hear the woffies talk about the blessings of Abraham, it is ALWAYS: 1) Money/Riches; and 2) Physical Healing. But they was other things Abraham was blessed with too, like: 1) Acreage in Israel; 2) father of a nation; and, 3) through his seed all the world would be blessed.Now, why is it that when the woffies claim/proclaim Abraham's blessings, its always just money/healing. Do they have a buffet hermeneutic where they just pick/choose what they want? Or, would it not have to be all a the blessings or none a the blessings?How many a them woffie preachers (Copeland, DuPlantis, Creflo, etc. has got acreage in Israel? How many woffie promoters on Acts has got land in Israel?