I understand Carolyn, and know miracles are not IMPOSSIBLE, I posted strictly a personal view and standpoint. As a kid, there were 'healing evangelists' I remember two cases where people left their wheel chairs, I know the wheel chairs were bent and broken up to prove it, but in two weeks I saw the same two back in new wheel chairs. (They lost faith, I was told)A big Evangelist in Shelby, NC in the 40's preached you should never be sick, An emergency stopped the revival midpoint. 'The Evangelist got the measles.'This I saw as a kid. As an adult I have known worse. When these things are witnessed by the unbeliever it is no wonder at time 'WE Pentecostals are our worst enemies.' Oh I believe in miracles for sure. I am not daft either, I do know what a miracle is. What some call a miracle is no more than God's creation taking care of itself.Do I want to be deaf? not on you life. I have fasted and prayed. I have strained in prayer lines. Removed my aids and got ready for the miracle. TWO preachers have said you will hear in # days. ( strained for faith) Nada.If this cochlear implant works, it will be a miracle to me, but a miracle of science along with the prayers of my friends. In the area of Implants, sinners and infidels get the implant and it works well.I still believe in prayer and my prayers continue to go up that this will work for me. But I ask myself, why didn't it work whent he evangelists said so.I'm sorry to sound like a stick in the mud, today I am just calling them like I feel them. Some facts but mostly just my
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