The uber-wealthy have the ear of their Senate and Representatives. They party with them, gift them, communicate with them, etc. They have an IMMENSE advantage over common folks. Their money (and contributions) buy them a seat at the table...and they always look out for their interests.This is likely one element that communism seeks to eliminate (since both capitalism and socialism allow for immense wealth). If a wealthy person doesn't like a particular bill, they can call their Congressman directly (give or take), while you and I get a form letter reply. As for all the jobs that the rich provide for everyone else, it must also be remembered that without the workers, the rich would be up the creek. BOTH sides are needed.Consider that Sam Walton, if he were still alive, would be wealthier than Bezos/Amazon. Walton's heirs have, if I recall correctly, approximately $30 billion apiece. But get this: Instead of these billionaires taking a cut off of their riches in order to do better for Walmart workers...well, they don't. They could be set for life with a measly $5 billion apiece, but NOOOOOOO.It is no jealousy that motivates me. It's justice. When people can work a lifetime and retire into virtual poverty, while people are buying paintings for $450 MILLION, or otherwise having so much that they couldn't hardly spend it all, something is wrong.