OH MY GOSH YOU HIT A GRANDSLAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Far too many times, I see pastors looking past the ones in the pews while they are hoping to get new one's to come! BLOOM WHERE YOU ARE PLANTED! I am not a pastor, or even a preacher, but I do know a thing or two about business. I hate to relate Church growth to business, but for lack of a better term, similarities exist. You must SERVE your current clientel (parishoners) before you ever think of serving future prospects. Although I'm not a pastor, I am the son of a pastor that started 11 Churches in a 20 year ministry before he passed away. You hit the nail on the head. Too many times, people want a quick solution without putting in the time to serve the ones sitting on the pew that pays the current bills. You mentioned adopting change slowly. I will approach that issue in regards to moving to Contemporary P & W from older songs. Far too often, the latest fad is shoved down the throat of those in attendance because the pastor saw at the latest conference what SOMEBODY else did to achieve success. In no way, do I mean we should not change, but change should be instituted slowly to gain the trust of the existing people and to let them feel some sense of ownership in the process. You showed tremendous wisdom in that statement. Frankly, I am NOT a fan of mega churches. It is too much of an entertainment based event with VERY little knowledge of the person sitting next to you. People can easily leave and the congregation will never know the difference. I think eventually this FAD of megachurches will cease and people will want to return the real relationships that smaller churches can offer. You are showing wisdom in letting your members know each person is responsible for providing ministry. I can see tremendous wisdom in your post and I hope Pastors will be wise to heed your wisdom. You've been there done that, and wise people will heed what you have said.