I remember being a young child and being at revival with my evangelist father. I went Trick or Treating! I loved it.Nope, I didn't get demon-possessed. I didn't fall from faith. I didn't acquire a taste for blood and horror movies. I just got some candy. I ate it. I liked it. I trick or treated until I was 15.Yeah, I'm bad about that.Halloween was nothing more than simple fun for most of us...until someone came along and declared that we were glorifying Satan or some other foolishness.Nope. Not even close. Can a person accidentally worship God? No?Then why act like a person can accidentally worship Satan or what have you?If you don't want to do it, fine. I enjoyed it. I don't mind if my own son wants to be a part of it (no, I don't allow demon masks or what have you; I just go with Star Wars, etc.).