I think it's interesting that we say it's a sin to deposit money that you're not promised back, but actually could get back, but it's okay to spend money you definitely won't get back, for example, by buying a round of golf.Paying money so I can participate in an activity is okay, unless there's a chance I might get some or all of the money back. THEN IT'S SIIIINNNNNI wouldn't play Draft Kings or Fan Duel because they're designed to separate folks from their cash, but there is an element of skill in the games in addition to the element of chance, so if people are having fun and are being good stewards of their money, then more power to them. A round at the golf course is designed to separate folks from their cash as well, and moreso because there's zero chance of the customers getting any of it back. But if golfers are having fun and being good stewards of their money, then more power to them. The problem is that you might be playing against guys that are a lot more knowledgeable than you. In your case Dave...that would guarantee you would lose every time. Sorry man