In response to an earlier question by my friend, Pastor Wayne Guilliams, who by the way is a tremendous supporter of World Missions, I wish to share the following report and personal point of view. Wayne's questions was ... Is it true the AOG has 2,800 full time missionaries, compared to our 35? Response: I can't attest to the numbers of full time missionaries in the Assembly of God. The missionary resource of Church of God World Missions is difficult to define in terms of full time only. We have well over 30,000 individuals and families united in global ministries outside the United States and Canada among various classifications of ministry and missionary calling. Career Missionaries from the United States totally dependent on the funding they receive from donors is now 48 individuals. The Associate, Part Time and Short Term Missionary list is considerably larger. Add to that the list of specialized ministry personnel, seminary presidents, professors and national leaders along with indigenous workers plus national pastors and families. All of this combined historically has helped garner a harvest around the world. In 2013-14 they were used of God to bring in 1.8 million souls into the Kingdom of Heaven. Since September of 2014 until now, this army of men and women have planted almost 4,500 Churches around the world. That is a new church every two hours of the day. I'm sure the question has more to do with the North American number of missionaries being funded by donors and commissioned by World Missions. However the face of missions has changed and while The North American church is still most active and largely responsible for funding global ministry, it is being verified more and more that as others before me have said, The Mission Field has become a Mission Force.