At this time, I definitely DO plan to vote for Donald Trump. As nice as they are and as conservatively pure as others claim to be, they do not have the clout to do what it will take to bring this country back again. Two of the most admired and conservative candidates; Mike Huckabee and Rick Sanatorium, spoke volumes when they attended Trump's rally following their time on the debate stage the other night. Though they may not agree with or even like Trump personally, they know that none of the other candidates will have the clout to bring the needed change. None of them, not one of them even mentioned slowing illegal immigration until Trump began to talk about it.Is he a pure conservative? Obviously not, but all the supposed pure conservatives we have elected to the House of Reps and Senate, have not done anything but betray the people who elected them. It is not Trump, but rather the so-called conservatives lack or unwillingness to bring change, that has brought about what some are calling an Insurgency Election.Remember when those so-called pure conservatives promised that if voters would give them the House, then change would come. And then, they promised if we would give the the Senate, change would come. We all banded together and gave them the House and Senate. They promptly passed everything Obama had requested INCLUDING funding for Planned Parenthood.With such a long record of doing exactly the opposite of what they were elected to do, the people have abandoned the so-called pure conservatives for possibly someone who does not have a conservative record but maybe, will at least try and keep his word. It shows how desperate people who care about the future of our nation, have become.However, in a bit of fun, I have written a little poem. I welcome viewers to rewrite it in a way that is meaningful to them .