WEll to quote My COG pastor and several of my KIN: I AIN'T VOTING FOR NO CATHOLIC, THE POPE WILL BE RUNNING THE USA AND WE WILL HAVE TO PRAY THRU MARY TO GET TO JESUS! .......That is a true quote from one of the earlier 'conspiracy theories' when JFK was running. I know died in the wool democrats who voted Republicans for the first and only time in their life.Now, for right now I like Cruz (Not sure he is electable, if elected he will be like Carter, unable to work with congress), he broke the Cardinal rule, called his leader a LIAR and on the senate floor. Right or wrong morally, it is like the police Blue-Line, or finding a respected Dr. to back you in a malpractice suit, Congress will refuse to co-operate with Cruz.So me? I guess it is Rubio, I do like him better than Hillary.Then there is TRUMP to deal with, if he can convert his crowds to votes, he will carry the majority of the primary votes. Some facts but mostly just my
[email protected]://shipslog-jack.blogspot.com/