The heading comes from the New York post, the most colorful heading thus far about Trump and Iowa. like Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorim... As far as I know, they are all good people but none of them can do what must be done to get this country back on track. Trump could do that, but as I've stated here several times, he was so bloomin abrasive and unwise during his candidacy in Iowa, that he turned off as many people as he gained in support. With a state packed with Evangelicals, he made vicious personal attacks against people and often used profanity. The world is not going to collapse because some politician says a cuss word, but a wise person would know his audience and in this case, Trump did not show wisdom. In fact, he showed a massive lack of wisdom.Had he not made vicious personal attacks on others and had reigned in his cussin, I believe that would have helped Trump have a far better showing. However, as we've heard many times, his strategy of not having a good ground game, also made a massive difference. We are told that Cruz had some 6,000 volunteers working with him. Amazing.That's my opinion. What's yours?Doyl