Bishopswife, I did the same thing. But there's one thing you need to check. Go to power options, and make sure the high performance box is checked. I think by default the computer comes with balanced power. You don't want that for a desktop. Click High performanceI wanted to take mine back also, and then I checked the High performance and now it's very fast. Did that .. Still the same! Running AMD A8-7410 AM4 processor with 8.0 GB ram & 2 TB hard drive. PS, the browser I've used is MS Edge and/or Google Chrome .. No change .. Literally I sit and wait for the page to show up! Not the Internet server - it works fine on Internet with laptop, iPad, etc With those specs, you should have a blazing fast computer.One thing, If you know how to partition your hard drive, so that the partition your operating system is on, is smaller.I know... know....the bigger ( 2TB ) is better. Not always.You could try resetting your computer to factory specs.