BroJames, Preacher777 & Marty...Everyone is right here...many WC model churches did NOT have the core convictions that WC had to challenge themselves and look below the surface. For many, not for WC, it was just a growth system that attracted people who wanted church without the commitment. And we let them have that.WC never was about that. They always talked the 5 G's, small group involvement, had hurdles to membership, etc. Still, people, as they found, were not 'getting it' and leaving the narrow pathway of the life of following Jesus in word, deed and love.WC always measured different metrics and that, in itself, is what led to 'Reveal.' Even in their gap they tried to serve other leaders and churches. They still do. I have not been as involved in recent years as before with WCA but I still applaud the mission and support their core work and convictions. Even the assertion that Marty brought to the table about being 'Pentecostal' is correct. Jack Hayford's investment of mentoring and communicating with Bill about the work of the Holy Spirit about 20 years ago created a HUGE shift in paradigm and worship to WC.Bill Hybels is NOT lazy. Many mid-size churches who followed the model are led by non-diligent pastors who live for the Sunday show. Hence, the movement behind WC holds to be far less passion-filled and spirit-pursuing than the model. They live for the end and not the means.Marty, over my almost three decades of personal observation, IS like Hybels in his diligence and focus. He enumerates the steps 'beyond the model' that SC takes to energize and develop people spiritually.Preacher 777 is much like Marty in my observation - He is for the end but not without the means and the process. His life and ministry have been characterized by passion, prayer and HARD WORK. The man is one of the hardest workers and most succesful salesmen that I have ever known. I was fortunate enough to have him attend my church in Georgia as a guest when he could while he was an attender at one of our leading churches. We had long, deep conversations about discipleship, prayer and developing people according to The Word. In times since, I have opened my pulpit to him, my home and, on many occasions, my ear. We still share these conversations.It seems to an outsider viewing this that you are on opposite sides of a fence, but I think you are BOTH doing the same thing...caring about people's eternal lives without compromising your convictions.As for BroJames, while I do not know him, I think his experience gives him a unique and valuable perspective of what it is to encounter a church that lives for the exterior and not the interior. Good that he was sent where he was to bring a voice of courageous leadership and spiritual depth to a church that could have run off the rails.While we may disagree on some things, we agree that Pentecost was born in SUPERNATURAL evangelism/discipleship and we should never separate the two (as I foolishly did for a season of my life) and those special, amazing churches that can embrace the power of Pentecost with the message of Pentecost are the ones we can look forward to following Live an epiK life!Discover More...www.refocusing.orgA Mission in