It is a fact, we do need someone who is malleable, We need someone who can pull congress together, I don't think that is Cruz. Because congress is an unforgiving bunch, and Cruz broke the rules, CARTER knows that.WE do need someone who can break the gridlock for the good of OUR country, not just for one party.One of our problems is our congress and its holding grudges. They are just like TRUMP except the: 'We'll get even, is very subtle.'We are at the point that the GOP doesn't want anything done for the good of the country because Obama would get the credit.When my dad was pastor he taught me one thing, Son as a pastor you can get a lot done for God and His church, if you do not care who gets the credit. I found that worked great in business as well.IT COULD WORK IN OUR COUNTRY'S GOVERNMENT!If anyone knows what it is like to have congress not cooperate it is CArter. His congress stuck their heels in the mud because they did not like the Georgia Mafia as they referred to it. Some facts but mostly just my
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