Source? I just watched and heard it myself on Fox's Bill OReilly.The guy is profane. I will admit he is profane. I will also take your word for it since I did not hear it. I am sick anyway that his supporter Palin (according to my wife) is starting to use some pretty course language to match her pick for president.I have said I will vote for him if he is the nominee, but I might just change my mind if this cow manure keeps happening. He has played to the base problems and the GOP base has/is falling in line. He has done some 'solid' damage to the GOP, maybe it can recover.Every president we have had since Harry, has had a potty mouth behind closed doors, but this would be the pits.Clinton really added to the countries morals dropping.Obama has expedited the Gay/trans message.Now the billionaire, if elected will lower the average vocabulary of the youth.I ain't happy with the guy who Is going to sue his a$$ off!And Palin who is going to Kick some a$$ (quote according to my wife) Some facts but mostly just my
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