I can't figure this one SD. Is he a drinker?Evidently he is a good QB, I am not a sports fan, I thought he was black, but my wife who was born into a sports family, and is a sports fan herself, informed me different.WE own homes 12 miles from the stadium. Using eminent Domain the Panthers Stadium owners took my wife's road to work and added 2 miles to her commute, and she didn't even get mad.I did know that that guy Cam was black, I am not completely ignorant of sports. Since we do not watch TV and seldom have cable my wife doesn't get to watch many games.i trust her thoughts and she seemed to think Manning is a good guy althought she is a Panthers fan (After the REdskins). Is this an inside sports joke, was Manning ever a 'drunken sailor' or something? Some facts but mostly just my
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