Respectfully, I couldn't disagree more. I like Jeb as much as the next millionaire. I voted for his brother and his dad and would happily vote for Jeb too if he makes the cut.But if you COMBINE His latest support percentages (4.9%) WITH Carson (7.8%), Christie (3.1%), Kasich (3.1%) and Florina (2.3%) then at that point Jeb Bush would barely edge out Marco Rubio (at 15.7%)All of that is fine and good until you remember that Rubio is only in THIRD place at 15.7%! To proceed as the Republican candidate, Jeb has to not only beat Rubio who is on the rise, but then also beat Cruz who has been strongly seated in 2nd place for months. If he happens to accomplish those herculean tasks... then there is The Donald who currently has a STRONGER poll percentage than Cruz and Rubio combined!! The math simply does not add up in my mind. If I were a betting man, I would bet the farm that Trump gets the nod from the elephants in the room