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Truth About Slavery (link)

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Post subject: diakoneo: Truth About Slavery (link)
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Posts: 39
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I was doing some research on cultures and how superior cultures often enslave inferior cultures and came across this interesting article on the origins of the large slave trade in the U.S. and Europe in the 18 and 19 centuries. Turns out most of the enslavement was by other Africans who profited greatly from the slave trade. These African tribes enslaved other tribes and sold them. They happily did it and grossly mistreated many of their brothers of the same race. They did not see it as a race issue, though. They saw them as other tribes and if they could make some money off of them they would. Many more people died than were actually enslaved as they were marched in yokes and ropes to seaport points.Whites were far from innocent. There was high demand for slaves and it came, for the most part, from Europe. The Africans on the other hand gladly supplied the need for profit. Africa is a huge continent and the European traders came with ships, guns and money. They did not have the time or resources to go traipsing through Africa to trap slaves. Below is a link to the article and info on the author Sheldon Stern.

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Post subject: Aaron Scott: diakoneo
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:47 pm
Indeed, Africans did not look at the enslavement of other Africans as some sort of betrayal to their race. The ones who were enslaved were enemies.As an example (and NOT meant as a political statement), consider that many Americans have no problem with the trials of the lower classes. Some future society might look back and say, They betrayed fellow Americans, but the truth is that the upper classes do not necessarily look at it as a betrayal. You get the idea.Oddly enough, just the other day I was teaching about the Barbary Wars (Thomas Jefferson days), in which several North African nations fielded pirates to hijack vessels and demand ransom. I read that over a million Europeans were kidnapped and sold into slavery (not just from the ships, but from raids on European settlements on across the Mediterranean). Whites--especially the Spanish and the Portuguese--were the ones who created the largest demand for African slaves. The enslaved Native Americans not only knew far less about farming than did most African slaves, but they also were in their own backyard, so to speak; they had some access to escape and assistance. Worse, Native Americans had virtually no immunity to European diseases and were dropping like flies.The African slaves were a better answer for all of these shortcomings of Native American slavery. The Middle Passage (the transatlantic trip that brought slaves to the New World) brought around 12 million slaves...but only about 10 million made it all the way. Millions went to Brazil and Spain's holdings. About 600,000 came to the British colonies in North America.

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Post subject: Cojak:
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am
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Posts: 39
Joined: Sat Jan 18, 2025 4:47 pm
Interesting post, but Most folk, mostly black, methinks, will ignore any of these facts and dwell on what happened in our shores.'Just because them fools brung 'em, you didn't have to buy 'em.'This is a very misunderstood subject, it has caused lots of pain on both sides of the color line! blame, no blame, guilt and no guilt; an endless subject with minds made up going in on both ends of the spectrum. (It seems to me Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]/

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