I really do try to think before I post, especially if I am passionate about a subject (like preaching knowing that we need to pray to make sure we are not preaching our frustrations). I like to err on the side of caution when it comes to offending anybody, being an attack guy on a forum, ridiculing others beliefs etc. I do my best to share my beliefs and feelings in a respectful way. Therefore, I ask Marty or any other seeker sensitive person who is in the Willow Creek Association or not to forgive me if my posts on this subject ever come across in a sarcastic, accusatory or demeaning way. I am sure that most of you are fine men and women of God doing your best to follow the philosophy of ministry you feel God is leading you into and most effective in reaching people for Christ. You have impacted a lot of lives for Christ and I rejoice with you in that regard. I am not saying EVERY seeker sensitive church fits the mold of what I posted previously but EVERY one I have ever known of does characterize those ministry attributes.