At the end of the day we have a serious responsibility to elect the person who can handle the job of leading the U.S. for the next 4 years.I'm sorry but casting your vote for Gary Johnson is about as smart as trying to re-elect Obama, which we know can't be done. Gary Johnson will not be elected as the POTUS. A vote for Gary would only satisfy your own private goal.It's more than likely our choices will be between Clinton & Trump. Should we not try to be responsible citizens by selecting between the only 2 candidates that will 'actually' be elected?Your votes for Gary Johnson or Hank Schmidt or Ken Jones or Alice Barnes are not going to elect anybody. If you think you're making a point, you're not. You're making a point in your own limited way & nobody gets to benefit by your thoughtless gesture. Not being mean with these words but just saying ...your vote is precious & the awesome opportunity you have to make a difference should not be squandered on a 'no name' candidate who can't be elected. Nobody is going to care one ounce after the election is over when you say, 'well, i stood my ground & I didn't vote for that idiot who won!'If Hilary wins this election she's sure to win as an incumbent & i seriously doubt that anybody will be able to beat her in 2020. In fact Kanye West says he's running in 2020, so now the Hollyweird crowd will finally have somebody to support.I know you've got your stubborn back side all up in an uproar at this moment & nobody is going to change your mind or tell you what to do, but please consider the need in the GOP for people to support 'thee' candidate. It may not be 'your' favorite candidate but it helps to keep Hilary from getting into office.Isn't that our real goal or do we want to satisfy our own private goal?. Apparently you don't think much of the electoral process. Everyone gets a vote and who they vote for is their own decision.It's not a matter of voting for the lesser of two evils because one is supported by the GOP. The GOP is a dying party anyway. I've never understood the herd mentality that feels the need to vote for a candidate based on party affiliation.No, my goal is is not to keep Hilary from gaining office, my goal is to vote my conscience and if that means I'm throwing away my vote in your mind , I'm can live with that.