Would you pastor a UCC?
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Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Link: Would you pastor a UCC?

I'm in Hawaii. Here, there are a number of United Church of Christ churches that are conservative. I've heard of churches rejected liberal pastors who tried out from the liberal eastern part f their denomination. I know a Baptist pastor who used to pastor a conservative Chinese congregation here.One of the men who was on the board who helped start a seeker sensitive megachurch which is actually part of Foursquare was from a UCC background and may have his ordination with them still. He was the head of the Bible college for this church.I hear this stuff and I wonder why the local UCC churches just don't totally split off and do their own thing. I don't know if the UCC has a claim on their property. I get the sense that it's a loose affiliation, though. I was talking to a Pentecostal who has been offered to pastor a new night congregation at a very prestigious and historical local church building that I think is part of the UCC. I'm wondering what people on the forum think of a situation like this. Would you be willing to minister with a conservative congregation in a denomination that is favorable toward gay marriage and left wing ideas of 'social justice'

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Mat: Obama's church in ...

I think that Obama's home church in Chicago (Rev Wright) was UCC. The denomination is very liberal and focuses on social justice issues (at least in our area). I met the pastor of the Circular Church (UCC) here in Charleston right after the shootings at Emanual A.M.E. I think he said something like, not even God knows why these shooting took place.Its interesting that they, UCC, still have conservative churches anywhere. Perhaps they are like the Anglicans, where there churches outside of England and the USA (Episcopal) they are more conservative and even Spirit-filled.More conservative Anglican congregations here in South Carolina, many are leaving he The Episcopal Church of America and putting themselves under more conservative Bishops from South America and Africa or Asia. It seems the UCC would be due this kind of realignment.

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  JLarry:

I have over 27 years of pastoral experience and over 41 years of ministry.There was a time I would have said; no way. But I see things a little differently now. I have a friend who is a Methodist minister. He is much more conservative than the Methodist. He told me last night he was considering leaving the Methodist. I told him the denomination does not matter that much.If I felt the Lord would have me pastor the church then I would do so. However I would not support the denomination.There are some liars in leadership in the CoG. According to the Bible liars are not going to heaven. I have not submitted my credentials because of a few liars. The CoG has good doctrinal beliefs and a lot of good Christian men and women of integrity. That's what I support Recorded Sermons @

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Cojak:

I have a couple friends who have 'filled in' for denominations other than COG. One even took an Episcopal one permanent.YOu are the man God uses, the place he provides should be a fit. Nothing ventured nothing gained... You would certainly gain an EDUCATION and that is good. Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]://

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