KY County Clerk - A conservative's concern
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Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Methocostal: KY County Clerk - A conservative's concern

I have been out of computer contact for the last week or so. And I also understand the matter may have been partially resolved and she is no longer in jail.As much as I am in opposition to gay marriage, I do see some hypocritical attitudes by many conservatives. I certainly do not agree with the Supreme Court ruling allowing Gay marriage. However, conservatives have long advocated a nation of the rule of law. Unfortunately, that premise also applies in the case of the KY county clerk. As such, I believe conservatives would be standing at the front of the line of protest if a liberal government official refused to obey a law or court ruling that was supported by conservatives. As such, I am disappointed that conservatives applaud the clerk for refusing to allow licenses to be issued by her office. That said, I do NOT believe she should have been put in jail. A more appropriate punishment would have been to remove her from office for failure to abide by the laws of the land. I would support her refusal to perform such procedures personally, but I'm afraid she went too far in disallowing her employees to issue licenses.The appropriate method for conservatives to overcome the atrocious Supreme Court ruling are to ensure that conservatives are elected to public office so future Supreme Court Judges are conservatives. Moreover, elected officials could remove, even Supreme Court judges if appropriate. However, elected officials cannot overrule our Supreme Court in their capacity as an elected official. Methods exist, within the rule of law, to overturn the Supreme Court by enacting laws that the electorate support and by appointing conservatives. We cannot simply ignore laws we are sworn to support. Please note, I fully understand that Pastors may some day be thrown in jail for failure to perform marriages or by practicing so called hate speech by preaching the gospel. However, ministers are not elected officials that took an oath of office. Therein, the KY clerk was out of line in prohibiting her office from issuing licenses. Her proper method of protest would have been to resign rather than to support a law she could not morally agree. We cannot claim to support the rule of law, only when it is convienent to our moral or political belief. I realize I am making a controversial stand, but I ask you to examine how you would react if a liberal rejected laws they were suppose to adhere.

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Resident Skeptic:

Electing conservatives so they will appoint the right judges only plays into the myth that judges rulings are the final say. The Federal Judiciary is only one of three co-equal branches of the Federal Government. Don't let the phrase

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Quiet Wyatt:

I found this excellent and very insightful post on this from a conservative legal expert:

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