I have never had any serious surgery. A vasectomy and cataracts. Neither required the services of an Anesthesiologist, BUT before this implant surgery I had to meet and talk with one.I thought she would be explaining what she would be doing. Ah but no, more questions, i.e. allergies, metal inside you, diseases, other surgeries etc.Since I have not been able to hear, my wife accompanies and interprets. She did not have to interpret the one where the lady asks, Have you, in your lifetime, had more than 10 sexual partners?I paused for a second, as if counting on my fingers, then I turned to my wife and we burst out laughing.. I answered, NO, WE met as teens in the early '50's. She was a member of the church Dad pastored. She was 16. I was 15. She was one of those girls that KNEW, YOu gotta have a license.We were bumbling virgins on our one night honeymoon and neither of us have had affairs. She would be unforgiving in that area, she would be gone!Anyway we have had complete trust for 59 years. As a military man I have been in houses of prostitution with my buddies. I had coffee and waited. During that time I have had the ladies approach and invite me back, I always smiled and said, Naw, I'm married.Their stock retort, She is ----- everyone while you are gone on the ship.I had the chance to smile and say, you don't know my girl.Along that line and about Sailors and Marines, I was surprised at the large number of men who were true to their marriage vows while on cruises, Christians and non believers. I did see the SS superintendant of our church in Norfolk return from one of the rooms. He didn't see me and I didn't see him,we ignored each other.I am sure he thought 'Jack is waiting for his turn. He would never have believed different. Yeah, I know I should not have been there, BUT you do not travel in Istanbul Turkey alone in uniform . Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]://shipslog-jack.blogspot.com/ |