Cojak, how did all go with your Cochlear Implant?
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Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Cojak: Cojak, how did all go with your Cochlear Implant?

To start with it was a bigger deal than I thought. There were 3 doctors and 4 nurses. The operation took 2.5 hours. I was able to leave the hospital within 3 hours after. My wife drove me home.I am needing the pain meds they prescribed, I was surprised at that, I normally have no problem with pain, I did a root canal once without the pain meds just to see if I could. LOL (that was one of the ignorant things I have done in my life). All in all it is going well. I had 3% hearing in the ear that got the implant. And I am surprised how much I miss that little bit. I will be without sound in that ear for 4 weeks and then the doctor will turn on the implant and then and only they will we know how much it will help.I am u with my girl's permission for an hour then back to bed. She is one tough caregiver. I am blessed to have such a sweet wife, friends and family.I thank you and everyone else that has given encouragement and prayers. When I cannot get on the computer, I realize how much I have grown to depend on it.Thanks for the concern and for asking... Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]://

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Cojak:

One other thing, does anyone know why I am so sore? It is like I did too many situps, my stomach muscles are sore. My throat is sore and so are my teeth and jaws. It is sorta like I gritted my teeth during the 2.5 hours. I don't want to do this again for another ten years of so. But I am glad the surgery is complete and I expect improvement in my hearing Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]://

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  c6thplayer1:

I cant wait for you to join the camp meeting crowd. Now you will totally understand the meaning of TURN IT DOWN . You will probably be able to hear the moans and screams of the acts board posters when OT post something they dont like...

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Old Time Country Preacher:

Them wof-ites, error-ites, milledcredential-ites, honery-ites, independ-ites is a wretched lot aint they? Hey, when ya git on their turf they commence moanin an sreamin fer shore. Cojak will have to lower the volume when at happens.

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Carolyn Smith:

Glad to hear you are doing OK, Cojak, although it sounds like this surgery hit you a little harder than you expected. I have found (especially the older I get) that it takes me a while to get over the anesthesia. It really wipes me out. I don't know why your stomach muscles are sore, but your throat is probably sore from being intubated. Unless you had a local anesthetic, they intubated you when you were under general anesthesia. Maybe that'll give you an excuse to eat extra ice cream. My sister had surgery several years ago, and they were supposed to do a hysterectomy. But there was a problem when they were putting her under, and she coded. They did CPR & got her back (and she was fine) but they postponed the surgery after that!. When she woke up, she said, I expected my belly to hurt, but not my chest. What in the world happened? Things don't always go like we think they will. Can't wait to hear how things go when they turn it on More of Him...less of me.

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Old Time Country Preacher:

My dear mercy, Cojak, hey, I just hope they didn't try to do no hysterectomy on ya son. Cause if they did, you gonna be sore in places ya didn't even know ya had......

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  bonnie knox:

My dear mercy, Cojak, hey, I just hope they didn't try to do no hysterectomy on ya son. Cause if they did, you gonna be sore in places ya didn't even know ya had...... Ya don't reckon that's why his stomach is sore, do ya? When you're out, you don't know what they're doing to you. Cojak, maybe you were thinking, Ouch, this hurts; I gotta get up. Every time you tried to get up, the assigned nurse might have punched you in the stomach, Sorry, buddy, you're not done yet--back on the rack.

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Cojak:

Okay folks, some of that stuff ain't funny!but I am still able to laugh.I did take a flash light and looked at the back of my throat and it is red. I think I remember them saying something about a tube, but I can never be sure what I hear, but the soreness is going away..I made a mistake yesterday, and watched 3 surgeries on YOUTUBE of actual implants, it is much more involved than I thought. That is nasty stuff. BUT most of all, thanks to everyone for your encouragement and prayers. Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]://

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  c6thplayer1:

Glad to hear you are doing OK, Cojak, although it sounds like this surgery hit you a little harder than you expected. I have found (especially the older I get) that it takes me a while to get over the anesthesia. It really wipes me out. I don't know why your stomach muscles are sore, but your throat is probably sore from being intubated. Unless you had a local anesthetic, they intubated you when you were under general anesthesia. Maybe that'll give you an excuse to eat extra ice cream. My sister had surgery several years ago, and they were supposed to do a hysterectomy. But there was a problem when they were putting her under, and she coded. They did CPR & got her back (and she was fine) but they postponed the surgery after that!. When she woke up, she said, I expected my belly to hurt, but not my chest. What in the world happened? Things don't always go like we think they will. Can't wait to hear how things go when they turn it on!

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Carolyn Smith:

Glad to hear you are doing OK, Cojak, although it sounds like this surgery hit you a little harder than you expected. I have found (especially the older I get) that it takes me a while to get over the anesthesia. It really wipes me out. I don't know why your stomach muscles are sore, but your throat is probably sore from being intubated. Unless you had a local anesthetic, they intubated you when you were under general anesthesia. Maybe that'll give you an excuse to eat extra ice cream. My sister had surgery several years ago, and they were supposed to do a hysterectomy. But there was a problem when they were putting her under, and she coded. They did CPR & got her back (and she was fine) but they postponed the surgery after that!. When she woke up, she said, I expected my belly to hurt, but not my chest. What in the world happened? Things don't always go like we think they will. Can't wait to hear how things go when they turn it on! Carolyn are you a nurse? No, I'm a secretary that works with folks in the surgical area. I support the nurse managers for the pre-op & post-op areas. My sister got the nurse genes in the family. More of Him...less of me.

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