Question for church planters and Pastors
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Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Josh Trammell: Question for church planters and Pastors

Take Heart Church is launching in February 2016. As a new church planter as well as a new pastor I feel that my brain is overloading with stuff to do!! I am really excited about what God is doing, but to be honest I am feeling slightly overwhelmed at the length of things that in my mind need to be done. From recruiting launch members, figuring out systems, finding a place, constantly marketing, working on the covering, setting a calendar for launch events, training, finding financial partners, etc etc etc. The list seems to grow! One area I tend to be weak in is I have a lot of big ideas.....I am a vision guy. And while that is good it can also be a struggle to focus on the 2 or 3 important things that are most prudent for the moment. My mind is constantly looking ahead. To give you a little info on where we are. Our launch team has grown to about 22 adults (around 31 including children)We are beginning Interest Social Events this Sunday night. Website, logo, name, etc is done.We are planning community outreach events starting next month in the cityOur first Launch team meeting/ prayer night is set for Sept 27thFor guys who have been through the process what would say is the 3 most important areas that I need to focus on right now? Thoughts?

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