How to Get a Free Church Building
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Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Link: How to Get a Free Church Building

I'm not endorsing doing this. It seems so obvious to me that I am wondering if any congregation has ever done it.Let's say there is a church that is using a storefront or school cafeteria that is growing.Across town, here is some stodgy old congregation that meets in 150 year old find stone building built way back when. Now, the congregation there has gone liberal and causes all kind of trouble in the community, promoting the LGBT agenda and perverting the Gospel. It's a congregational church.The folks from the storefront or cafeteria meeting place all go to church at the congregational church and quickly become members. They vote out the pastor, vote in their pastor, and then either preach against sin until the rabble rousers leave or else exercise church discipline if they won't repent. There are a number of ethical problems with this. If it's planned out it's rather Machiavellian. I can imagine people saying at the end of it, the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous.But I wonder if something like this happened, maybe unintentionally, during the Charismatic movement with small liberal congregational churches that opened up to the Charismatic movement

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