I will be facilitating another Prepare-Enrich Certification Seminar here at City Church of Chattanooga on Thursday, October 15, from 9:00am to 4:00 pm. If you are interested, I will happy to send you a packet of information along with registration details. Just sent me an email at [email protected], and I will get it to you. Prepare-Enrich is a customized assessment tool that identifies a couple's unique relationship strengths and growth areas. Over 100,000 pastors, counselors and marriage and family therapists have helped over 3 million couples grow in their relationship skills and solidify their marriages using this tool. I have used this tool for 30 years with hundreds of pre-marital and married couples. It is, without a doubt, best assessment tool being used today. I cannot imagine doing pre-marital or marrital counseling without this tool.As a Certified Prepare-Enrich Trainer, I have also trained scores of pastors, church staff members, and counselors to use it in their ministries and practices. You can also check out the Prepare-Enrich website for more information at www.prepare-enrich.com.The deadline to register is October 9. Please contact me if you have questions.Mike Chapman |