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Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Cojak: Jaded

I have heard the word, and assumed the meaning but never had the occasion to check its definition:jadĀ·ed: made dull, apathetic, or

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Cojak: error double something,,,,,

mistak Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]://

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Carolyn Smith:

Yes, miracles still happen. Just because some have failed or spoken out of emotion and not Spirit does not invalidate what God does do. I can tell you of three in my life re: my birth, healing of my feet as a baby, and healing my husband received several years ago. More financial miracles than I could name beyond that.We do not see as many miracles here in America as there have been in previous days. Perhaps because we rely on the medical profession so much now? And perhaps because people do not believe God can? I don't know, but miracles do not seem as prevalent today. I will share details of the above with you later.. More of Him...less of me.

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Cojak:

I understand Carolyn, and know miracles are not IMPOSSIBLE, I posted strictly a personal view and standpoint. As a kid, there were 'healing evangelists' I remember two cases where people left their wheel chairs, I know the wheel chairs were bent and broken up to prove it, but in two weeks I saw the same two back in new wheel chairs. (They lost faith, I was told)A big Evangelist in Shelby, NC in the 40's preached you should never be sick, An emergency stopped the revival midpoint. 'The Evangelist got the measles.'This I saw as a kid. As an adult I have known worse. When these things are witnessed by the unbeliever it is no wonder at time 'WE Pentecostals are our worst enemies.' Oh I believe in miracles for sure. I am not daft either, I do know what a miracle is. What some call a miracle is no more than God's creation taking care of itself.Do I want to be deaf? not on you life. I have fasted and prayed. I have strained in prayer lines. Removed my aids and got ready for the miracle. TWO preachers have said you will hear in # days. ( strained for faith) Nada.If this cochlear implant works, it will be a miracle to me, but a miracle of science along with the prayers of my friends. In the area of Implants, sinners and infidels get the implant and it works well.I still believe in prayer and my prayers continue to go up that this will work for me. But I ask myself, why didn't it work whent he evangelists said so.I'm sorry to sound like a stick in the mud, today I am just calling them like I feel them. Some facts but mostly just my [email protected]://

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Carolyn Smith:

I have learned that if we look to men, we will always be disappointed. We are human, sometimes full of flesh instead of spirit, and we often fail. But when we look to Jesus, He will never fail us. He may not always do things the way we expect, but He will do them in the way we need them.My older son has hearing loss and very nearly lost his faith when that happened, feeling rather abandoned by God. It pretty much took him out of youth ministry because you really can't work with youth if you can't hear or if loud noises hurt your ears. God gave me a word re: my husband's healing years ago that I stood on for years. I did not doubt what He said, but I doubted ability to hear or interpret what God meant. As I saw him failing, losing him by inches when he was on dialysis, it was hard to understand. But I never let go of that word of encouragement (or the ones that followed). I fully expected God to completely heal his kidneys, but instead He gave my husband a new beginning through the miracle of organ donation. It truly is a miracle. I decided at some point along the journey that God could do this however He wanted really didn't matter in the end.On another note...When my husband & I were in full time ministry, we were hurt several times by ministers that did not treat us well. I became very jaded towards ministers in general and as we traveled around & visited lots of churches, I developed a very cynical, Show me you're a man of God attitude. When we finally came off the road, God sent us to a wonderful local church with a pastor that truly cared for his sheep and was real. Watching him as a pastor helped me believe in pastors again...that there were some good ones out there, and it also helped heal the hurt we'd experienced. It's easy to become jaded if we aren't careful More of Him...less of me.

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  JLarry: One of my miracles

Cojak I was born with my eyes crossed.At 12 I went to a T.L. Lowery tent meeting. Bro. Lowery prayed for me and my eyes were instantly straighten.My pastor's son had the same thing happen in the same meeting Recorded Sermons @

Author:  acts [ Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:07 am ]
Post subject:  Carolyn Smith:

Surely we have all been in the prayer lines where we went expecting God to move, and all we got was a headache or neck ache from somebody trying to push us down. Sorry...I don't do courtesy drops! It is confusing and disappointing.God never said we wouldn't be sick. Paul left a fellow worker in the Lord sick in Miletus. We are human, and unless we are really, really healthy or have a lot more faith than I do, we are going to suffer illness at times. Then we pray for healing because the Word says He is our healer and that by His stripes we are healed.I believe we should be as positive as possible, but we also have to be real. It's OK to say you're sick (although I think it's counterproductive to go around saying I think I'm coming down with something.) Don't invite sickness but don't lie about it, either. Why would you need to say He's your healer if you're not sick? What does the Word say?When the Children of Israel found out their generation had been sentenced to 40 years in the wilderness because of their unbelief, they suddenly found their missing faith. (Numbers 14) They decided to go try to take the land anyway, and Moses told them not to go, that the Lord was not with them. I heard a message about this once, that they were guilty of the sin of presumption. They presumed to know God's will when they were acting out of their flesh. (They got whupped, by the way.) I think this is what happens sometimes when people speak supposed words of faith/prophecy. It might look spiritual or sound spiritual, but if God's not in it, it ain't gonna happen.Another awful fallout of this is that we make sick people feel guilty for being sick or having a physical impairment/problem. The sick person is blamed...if you just had enough faith...if you just believed...there must be sin in your life or God would move. Shame on us!Bonnie is right. You don't need to apologize. God knows your heart and your desire. He's heard your prayers even if they haven't been answered as you expected. It's not your fault. And God hasn't forgotten you. I pray the implant is the miracle you've been waiting for. If it allows you to hear, it will be no less a miracle than a supernatural, instantaneous one More of Him...less of me.

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