It bothers me when people refer to God or Jesus in a disrespectful manner. Adults cussing around my children bothers me.I was taking the kids to the zoo, and a couple of guys in their early 20's walked by, and right as they walked by, one of them dropped an F-bomb in his comment to his friend. I was surprised that I started to get a bit angry. I was thinking of telling him to watch his language around the kids, but he was gone, going the other way, and I figured it was better to leave it alone. It also bothers me when people involved in the ministry cuss. I realize there are some cultural things with some blakcs being a bit more free with the word 'Hell' in their culture. I was watching some videos, not religious videos, but videos from a guy who does street evangelism overseas who has a Christian blog. And he dropped the F-bomb a couple of times, had the s-word in the title of a video, and made a joke insinuating that the women of that country were loose women. That sort of thing bothers me