Suicide is violence, isn't it? THAT was at least reduced.In other words, assuming this is a valid study, nothing got worse...and somethings got better with gun control?Hmmmm.... That would seem to be an argument FOR more gun control, wouldn't it?Again, I am NOT for taking away guns. I have guns myself. I am thinking, though, that surely SOMETHING can and ought to be done to reduce the ability to inflict MASS casualties with guns. We cannot stop every idea or idiot. But consider this thought problem: If everyone had a personal nuke, would we be more safe...or less safe? Now, if everyone had a butcher knife or baseball bat, would we be more safe...or less safe?Whatever that principle may be, perhaps we can apply it to guns? It would be no less a tragedy if someone killed three people with a knife...but at least it wouldn't be 10, 11, 12, 13...20...etc. with a gun. Again, we see that gun control DID reduce violence (suicide) and did NOT, apparently, embolden criminals.