MANY of the men and women of God who had healing ministries were used by God in the Gift of a Word of Knowledge. From Steven Jeffreys in England all the way to Kathryn Kuhlman, GOd gave these vessels supernatural information about what He was doing in their midst. In fact, Kuhlman was so used in this way, she rarely even prayed for a person. She just said what God was doing or wanted to do in a person and called them out specifically. I know many people including myself that are still being used in this Gift today. To answer a previous question, yes I have given it out from the puplit or during the worship (singing) portion of the service. It is sometimes a general word but more often it is quite specific and accurate. I always make ti a point to ask who the word applies to and I have taught about the need for an individual acknowledging the healing word once it is spoken. I have gotten tired of people coming up to me AFTER a service saying that the word was for them and that their condition has changed for the better. IT needs to be acknowledged shortly after the word is given so that it will encourage the Body and build their faith.I have written extensively on this Gift (Charism) and others. If you are interested the Word of Knowledge is simply to paraphrase; A supernatural download from heaven of a piece of information that the speaker did not know. It might be a revelation about the Word of God but it generally more about what God is doing or about to do in an individual and often seems to be in regards to healing but it doesn't have to be.2. A WORD OF KNOWLEDGE...A SUPERNATURAL word or proclamation giving divine insight into a specific problem. It also operates as an understanding or revelation of the divine will or the Word of God. It may also be how to apply a specific truth of the Gospel. It often manifests itself in public services as a revelation of God's intervention in the area of healing or in answer to a specific need in the body or an individual. Often it gives divine revelation of scripture to edify or exhort the Body. (Ephesians 1:17-23; Col.1:9,10; 1 Tim.2:4; 1 Cor. 2:12-14; Jn.14:26) It can bring SUPERNATURAL illumination of the gospel. It can come in many ways, through visions, dreams, from angels, through prophecy, tongues and their interpretation, an audible voice and through the still small voice of God. Acts 27:21-25; 1 Sam. 3:7-15, Acts 5:3,4; 21:11; Eph.3:3-5; John 2:22-25, 4:16-19. Peter through a Word of Knowledge acknowledged God's seal upon the Gentiles. Acts 10:47