I saw a video series on this in which Liardon was very young. He had a version of the videos n the 1990's and has released a lot of them since, apparently.It seems like he chose most of his generals based on their supernatural gifts or reports thereof. Dowie and Branham are in his list. But I saw recently that he had a series on missionaries in history. I remember Adoniram Judson and several others listed.I heard Liardon speak once before the scandal broke. I'd heard rumors years before. He preached to this room full of maybe 3 to 5000 Bethany people, which was part of the COG, and probably still is because it was on the Jakarta side. (There was a split.) The worship leader had everyone speak in tongues at the same time. I'd heard the 'ba ba ba ba' but was surprised to hear that many people either saying 'ba ba ba ba' or 'ba da ba da ba da.'I did not join in because the scripture says, ...let him keep silent in the church....Liardon preached and chided his audience for speaking in 'baby tongues.' He said there were different kinds of tongues, including 'warring tongues'. He spoke in tongues to demonstrate and people clapped. At the end, he asked who wanted to be baptized with the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues. He had seekers raise their hands. Other people gathered around. He said for the seekers not to think anything but to say 'whatever bubbles up out of your spirit.' Then he had other people gather around and pray in tongues around them. So a crowd of people gathered around and said 'ba ba ba' or 'ba da ba da' while they blanked their mind and said whatever came to them. I really do try not to be too skeptical, and I certainly believe that God responds to people who come to him in faith. But occurred to me that someone could say 'ba ba ba' or 'ba da ba da' without anything supernatural going on under this scenario. And that the person who demonstrates the fruit of the Spirit, or even gifts like healing, may be said not to be full of the Spirit while the person who says 'ba da ba da' in this scenario