I once heard a Methodist, I think, say at some churches, they say people get more excited about a football game than they do about church, trying to get the people excited. He asked, Who said church is supposed to be like a football game?I got a joke for you. There was a Methodist who always went to football games with his buddies and screamed really loud. One time, he went with his buddies and they asked him why he was so quiet. He said, I started going to a Pentecostal church, and now I feel guilty if I get too excited at a football game.I don't know why some preachers think the audience has to have a certain expression on their face when they are speaking. Is it unholy not to smile? I've got little kids. If they are in the room with me (for example, when we are singing), I'm trying to sing and praise the Lord while keeping one eye on a three-year-old, and another on the other kids. I have no idea what my face looks like during this time. Usually, if a whole audience of people look bored when someone else is talking, I don't know if we can blame the audience. To me, that seems like a cue to do something different. For example, don't be monotone, or get on to another point