Recently,I was contacted by a young man I have known for several years. He is a friend of my son. He attended a church where I was pastor for a few years. The truth of the matter, I have not had any contact with this young man for a few years. We ran into each other at a funeral last week. In the course of our conversation, he told me he needed my help. He said there are demon spirits in his house. Things have been moving on their own, doors slamming shut or opening during the night, black objects flying past them, extreme heat or cold without cause. He is renting this house from his father. His grandfather owned the house before his death. So, he researched the previous renters and found that his grandfather had rented this house to psychics who practiced their trade in the house. He has made several attempts to rebuke and cast out the spirits but to no avail. I told him I would help him in the matter, but I began to question him about his life style. He admitted he and his wife divorced, and was now living with his girl friend. He said I know where you are going with this. I told him he knew the Bible well enough to know he is living in sin. I asked him what his intention was toward the girl. He said he did not know and was afraid to marry her. I told him I could, thru the name of Jesus, rid his house of the demon spirits, but they would come back again if he continued in sin. I based my statement on Matthew 12, and Luke 11.Have any of you had a similar experience? Should I go and rid the immediate problem and risk their returning making his situation worse