I love Ronnie. Always will. He has often been a blessing to my life. I was blessed by his preaching, singing and leading worship. Our family was blessed when he was our pastor at North Cleveland. In my opinion, Ronnie and Steve preached what may be one of the most fantastic Campmeetings in my life. That week, over 100 received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. Jimmy Carter was Governor of Georgia and attended the Georgia Campmeeting. Ronnie did not hold back one bit but preached with all his heart.If I remember correctly, Steve sang I'm Almost Home and it seemed the power of God poured down upon us. At the altar call, Jimmy Carter knelt to pray. COG preachers gathered around him, laid hands on him (the security guards almost had a heart-attack) and prayed that God would bless his life.There were times when Ronnie struggled. Sometimes he was on top of the mountain and sometimes the mountain was on top of him. I choose to remember when he was a powerful force for God and for good. There are times when we all struggle. His became public but time-after-time, he tried to rise above what was dragging him down. On several occasions after he pastored North Cleveland, I was in worship services where he was preaching. The last time I heard him was while working in Washington, DC. He was preaching at National Church of God where Steve Lowery was pastor. How wonderful that Steve would allow Ronnie to preach there. Ronnie was once again trying to pull things together.I will never forget a sermon Ronnie once preached at North Cleveland, What To Do When The Manna Stops. It was about the day when Manna, which Israel had enjoyed each day for decades, stopped. Right now, some of you may be facing a time when what you have depended on for years, has stopped. Members may have walked out or a family situation may have gone from bad to worse. Possibly a job that once provided well for your family, has been phased out.The Manna may have stopped but the One who sent the Manna has not walked away. He is preparing something new. Though I do give honor to those who by their work, have reached a milestone of accomplishment, in my opinion, among we who love the Lord, there is no greater title than Brother or Sister.Ronnie Brock: What an incredible man. I was and am glad to call him Brother Ron. Doyl