Total misperception, Mat. One can be greatly used of God with only a high school education or less, it's happened many many times. So anointing and accomplishment over academics is certainly noteworthy.But if preachers is gonna list/claim degrees, ummmm, wouldn't ya think they oughtta be from credible real institutions? I believe you mistook me concerning my comment about accomplishments over academics. 1 - I do think that accomplishments are more important then degrees. 2 - Having a doctorate from the most prestigious and academically acclaimed seminary in the world is of little value if your faith in the Word of God is abandoned, like the Episcopal Church (very well educated reprobates). 3 - OTCP, perhaps you need to speak to the culture of your own denomination if you feel that bogus degrees are being touted as a justification/qualification for leadership advancement and positions. There must be a perceived need to list some kind of advanced degree if one wants to move up in the leadership structure. To me, this requires a top down fix. You have been committed to a bottom up crusade for sometime now. Judging by the evidence that you have provided, on an almost daily basis, you may be jousting at windmills my friend. As Paul struggled against false apostles (who had no proof of their apostleship except for some questionable letters from Jerusalem), there might be a place in the church to call out false doctors (theologically speaking) who have questionable letters and no ministry proof of their title.