I've encountered people online who argue like this, that Pentecostals and Charismatics are wrong because they want signs and 'an evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign' and that no sign would be given to it except for the sign of the prophet Jonah.Actually, they are making the logical error of affirming the consequent, kind of like saying if someone commits suicide, he's dead. Saddam Hussein is dead, so he must have committed suicide. But he didn't. He was hung.Anyhow, the apostles asked for a sign and asked God to do signs and wonders. In Matthew 24, they asked Jesus to tell them the sign of His coming and of the end of the age, and He told them a lot of signs. I think we can conclude they didn't have the same attitude as the 'wicked and adulterous' who were asking for a sign.Those asking for a sign, IMO, were asking for a fulfilled prophecy, the type of sign one would use to verify a prophet found in Deuteronomy. Jesus had just done another kind of 'sign', the miracle of feeding the 5,000. But that's not the same as the fulfilled prophecy sign. His resurrection, the sign of the prophet Jonah, was the fulfilled prophecy type of sign. Jesus gave the sign of his resurrection in the book of John as a sign that He had authority to turn over the tables of the money changers and to deal with the problem of the temple being made a 'den of thieves.' Asking for signs can be a problem if it is done out of an unbelieving attitude. Zecharias saw an angel from heaven there talking to him, and he asked for a sign. Because of his unbelief, his sign was that he could not speak until the prophecy was fulfilled. Apparently, he believed after that and opened his mouth and prophesied. One king of Israel got rebuffed when he was told to ask for a sign, but refused to ask for one because he considered it putting the LORD to the test. Isaiah prophesied to Hezekiah that he would die. Hezekiah prayed and wept, and the Lord gave Isaiah a prophecy that indicated that he would live longer. I can understand why Hezekiah would ask for a sign after this. He did, and the shadow went the opposite way from normal