Some a yall fellers might wonder what the roots a this issue is with the old timer. In no way is the ole timer tryin to out folk or shame em publically, but to inform em. Hey, growin up, I didn't even know what accreditation was, much less that they was legitimate accreditation an accreditation mills. I thought ifn somebody used a degree or title, it was real, an I never gave it a second thought.In 1993, while readin a copy of the publication Pulpit Helps, I seen a book advertised titled Name it & frame it?: New opportunities in adult education and how to avoid being ripped off by Christian degree mills. The book is out of print, but still listed on Amazon: 1 1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1445443362&sr=1-1&keywords=Name+it+%26+frame+it%3F%3A+New+opportunities+in+adult+education+and+how+to+avoid+being+ripped+off+by+%22Christian%22+degree+millsThe book was only advertised in Pulpit Helps a few months, cause most a the schools what advertised in Pulpit Helps was degree mills, an the book called em out by name. So, Pulpit Helps stopped advertising the book. But not before the ole timer got his copy.This book listed scores a red flags about Christian schools offerin degrees from Assoc-PhD, some with only 1 or 2 faculty, an offerin a PhD in as many as 20 different disciplines. It explained the intricacies of accreditation, named accreditation mills like ACI, TACI, etc. and how they are nothin more than a money makin machine what gives little Christian schools the legal right to say We're Fully Accredited, but they don't tell ya the accreditation is not recognized an is meaningless. It talked about life experience degrees where some places was awardin docterates if a feller had a certain number a years in the ministry...well, plus the tuition check.Then, I got to lookin around at ma very own COG, an I seen fellers who was obtaining, encouraging others to obtain, and use, degrees from such places. But not only COG boys, Indy Baptists, Indy's, an others. Then I come across another book titled Diploma Mills: Degrees of Fraud. Here it is: 1 3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1445443852&sr=1-3&keywords=degree+millsThen, another more recent book titled Degree Mills: The Billion-Dollar Industry That Has Sold Over a Million Fake Diplomas. Here it is, wrote by a FBI agent whose job was to search these things out an shut em down. 1 1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1445443852&sr=1-1&keywords=degree+millsHey, I know this post is a bit long, but I wanted you boys to know the source a ma concern. Degree mills and accreditation mills are real. Preachers is gittin em an usin em. This is especially so at the docteral level cause folk seem to covet the title Dr.An here is the deal:1. Nobody MUST have a academic degree to be used of God.2. Academic degrees are most beneficial if used correctly.3. If a preacher's heart leads him to git academic training an degrees, they aint a thing wrong with it.