One of things that I hear repeatedly is that there is an attempt to feminize God. You mean like a hen gathering her chicks or a nursing mother? There is a difference in speaking of an all encompassing God who is characterized to include both the love of a father and a mother, as appose to saying that God is a woman and using a female pronoun.In a post about the COGOP and PTS agreement, the president of the PTS, Dr. Vest, said: the seminary offers the chance for COGOP members to learn from instructors in the Wesleyan Pentecostal tradition. I don't remember being taught about a mommy God in my studies as a Wesleyan Pentecostal.You can't have it both ways, if your institution is going to be relevant, you have to study many traditions and have a facility that are from diverse backgrounds and schools. If you want the PTS to simply reinforce the company line and only have good Church of God instructors who went to Lee U. and PTS before joining the facility, you will surly get conformity. I don't know that conformity and relevance live in the same institution.Mat